Salvation Means Rescue.
Looking at our world it isn’t too hard to see that something is wrong with it. The Bible tells us that humanity turned its back on God and we chose to steer our own course. Since God is perfect, any action against Him is morally wrong. The Bible calls these wrongs “sin”. Although sin had many terrible results for the human race, the most serious one is being separated from God forever after death. Sin, and its terrible consequences are what God wants to rescue or Save every person from. (Genesis 3; Romans 5:6-19)
The Ultimate Sacrifice.
God became a human being in the person of Jesus Christ. Although He was totally sinless, He voluntarily died in place of humanity, and then rose from the dead. Jesus’ death paid for all sin, for all time, for all people. This payment is available to every person who wants Salvation. God’s love for all people motivated Him to pay for all people. God does not force rescue on anyone, but it is available to everyone. God’s gift of rescue can be yours if you are willing to trust Jesus to be your Sacrifice for sin so that you can be forgiven by God. Asking God to forgive your sin because of Jesus means that you are believing that His payment for your sin is complete and that you plan to live your daily life to please Him. (John 3:14-18; Ephesians 2:4-10)
Salvation By Grace.
When someone asks God to forgive their sin, because of Jesus’ death in their place, they receive the gift of Salvation from God. Their sins are completely forgiven and their guilt is totally removed by God. Someone who has trusted Jesus for Salvation should read the Bible to learn more about God. If you want to talk with someone about Salvation or getting a Bible, contact us. You are also welcome to join us at our Sunday worship service to learn more about God and His message to us, the Bible. (Romans 8:1-4; II Timothy 3:16-4:5)